Matt's CS Graphics
2002 Week 4: Renderman Basics
2002 Week 5: Slide file refinement
2002 Week 6: Slide Sweep- Addition of more features
2002 Week 8: Renderman Animtation
2002 Week 13 UCBUGG movie
2002 Week 14: UCBUGG Revision
2002 Week 16: Final version of UCBUGG movie (for now)
Week 1: 2D Fractal
Week 2: Animated Fractal
Week 3: Old Animated Fractals
Week 4: Fractal Rotater
Week 6: Slide 2D
Week 7: 3D Slide
Week 8: Slide Statue
Week 9: Static Slide pictures
Week 10: Updated Slide

Collection of graphics for my research group

Welcome to Matt's Graphics Research Page. I have gathered and posted my work from my CS99 graphics research group. Please enjoy!

Email me with questions or comments
